Just as critical as media is to the overall finishing process, is the type of compound selected. The main role of compounds in addition to providing a desired end result (i.e. burnishing, deburring etc.) for a part, is to keep the parts and media clean, by suspending soils and not allowing them to be redeposited. By doing so, this provides the desired part finish and at the same time, keeps media from becoming contaminated and losing its effectiveness. Compounds can also reduce corrosion and prevent tarnishing, effectively protecting parts during the entire surface finish operation.
When you need a cleaning compound for vibratory finishing, barrel tumbling, parts washers, or rust inhibiting applications, Mechanical Finishing has the answer. We manufacture a full line of compounds guaranteed to perform consistently to get the results you are looking for. The proper amount of chemicals added to your process is critical for continued success, and to make sure you have the proper dispensing system, we make several metering pumps systems that are affordable and reliable.
Call one of our Sales Engineers today have an analysis performed on your current system and see how we can make you more profitable in your mass finishing operations.